Saturday, 15 June 2013

Insidious acquisition syndrome

One of the key problems with any hobby that involves a specific set of equipment is the Internet. I have spent the last couple of nights looking at kit that will help me achieve the rides I have coming up in the next couple of months.

The thing is I actually have almost all of it, or something very similar that will do, but if you listen to the Internet experts what I have will never get the job done.

In fact all of it is fine. I am not Bradley wiggins. I am not about to undertake an epic voyage.

According to randoneering or audax sites my bike is wrong. It won't take big enough tyres. The wheelbase is too short. It is too racy. Actually I have ridden LEJOG on this bike. I have ridden across the Netherlands on it.

I don't have a dedicated GPS unit, but I do have an iPhone in a weather proof case mounted to the bars.

I don't have a hub generator, but I do have a massively bright front light that lasts for 6 hours.

I do need a saddle bag as I don't get on with single panniers, but I don't need a new brooks saddle to hang it from. I can get an adaptor.

All I need to work out is which of the many cycling outfits will I be wearing and which saddle bag will hold enough sandwiches...

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